nedjam · 4 years, 1 month ago Each one of these commands can have a crash course on its own. It could be a good alternative for man pages. Think about it. reply flag
karthiknedjam - Each one of these commands … · 4 years, 1 month ago Hey nedjam. Welcome to Mindspace. And yes! :) I’ve been considering writing some crash courses on some frequently used commands. If you’ve got one in your mind, please do the honours. reply flag
nedjam ·
Each one of these commands can have a crash course on its own. It could be a good alternative for man pages. Think about it.
karthiknedjam - Each one of these commands … ·
Hey nedjam. Welcome to Mindspace. And yes! :) I’ve been considering writing some crash courses on some frequently used commands. If you’ve got one in your mind, please do the honours.