What is Arclind Mindspace?

Mindspace is a platform to learn and create free crash courses and mind sparks of insights.

How is it different from other platforms?

Mindspace is all about crash courses and quick insights for independent self-learners. Most of the platforms and MOOCs out there offer long-form courses that are mostly video-centric and paywalled with signup gateways. They are inefficient for a casual self-learner. Mindspace focuses on open, efficient, and reusable crash courses that are concise and easier along with a social feed of insightful sparks.

Who can create courses and sparks?

Anyone can.

What about misinformation?

We do moderate all courses and sparks manually for misinformed facts and inaccuracies. And we encourage all creators to cite their sources. As a user, anyone can report the content as well. We’ll take actions as efficiently as we can.

Who is behind Mindspace?

Mindspace is developed and maintained by Karthikeyan KC for Arclind, a socially focused ed-tech startup.

Where is Mindspace based?

Coimbatore, South India. A small town called Annur.

Why the 3000 character limit for lessons?

So that all lessons can remain true to the definition of a crash course component.

Can I publish my course as private?

Yes, you can. You can publish a course for yourself. But if you are confident, we recommend making it public.

Why can’t I embed videos?

The internet is full of video-based content and crash courses. Mindspace intends to be a platform with text-based crash courses for casual, peaceful, and self-paced learning.

What’s a spark?

Spark is where you can socially share something you just learned or understood finally. Like an ‘Aha’ moment that finally sparked in your brain! This instant feature has a limit of 1500 characters.

Are all contents free here?


Can I reuse the content?

As long as it’s for non-commercial purposes, yes, you can, under the terms and conditions defined by CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence.

How do I contact you?

We have a public telegram group here. You could also reach us at [email protected].

No, I mean YOU. As in Karthik. How?

Oh! You can find me on twitter. Also on telegram.