
Crash courses and sparks for creative explorers on visual and literary arts with inspiring knowledge and insights.


Crash courses and sparks for designers and designing enthusiasts on design theory, UI design, and related topics with easy to understand lessons and insights.


Crash courses and sparks for writers and readers on literary topics with easy to follow manuals.


Crash courses and insightful sparks for musicians, learner, and music producers on various music related topics with procedural and direct lessons.

Visual Arts

Crash courses and sparks for artists, photographers, and film enthusiasts on various topics on visual arts with easy to follow lessons and insights.

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There’s a constructed language called Esperanto that was invented by Dr Zamenhof around 1887 as a proposed common language that’s much simpler than other languages—with just 16 rules for grammar.

Strongly based on the European languages, It has 28 alphabets and simple rules like nouns end with ‘o’, adjectives with ‘a’, adverbs with ‘e’. And guess what! There’s even a message recorded in Esperanto as part of Voyager 1’s golden record.

Is it practical enough? Nah. Is it cool? Wholesome? Oh yeah! You bet! 😇 Bonan tagon!

A machine, mechanical, digital, or biological, that is gifted to enchant the beholder into its operational design, is almost always the battle prize of an engineer falling for its enticements, in love, with its chain of enigmas, absorbing its caprices, and embracing its war cry to its life’s zenith.