Operating System

Crash courses and sparks for everyday computer users, operating system enthusiasts, and beginners on modern operating systems with easy to follow procedural lessons and insights.


Are you pressing the up arrow key or doing history|grep in a Linux terminal to get that long command you typed last week? Don’t do that. Use Ctrl + R to do a reverse search and it will show the matching command with an autocomplete. It’s efficient. You can also cycle through the search results by pressing Ctrl + R again.

Today I learned that typing cmd in the windows file explorer address bar will spawn a command prompt with the path set to the current open directory. Instead of navigating from a different directory or using Shift + Right click this is quick!

The spacebar in your smartphone (both Android and iOS) actually can help you move the cursor left and right. Touch the spacebar and slide it to the left or right while typing to move the cursor. Found this one by accident and it has now changed the way I type! 🤯