karthik · 13 Aug 2020 Crash course on Linux In this crash course, you'll learn the history of personal operating systems, what Linux is, and how easy you can adapt to it. This crash course is intended fo… 10 6 2 Operating System
karthik · 22 Aug 2020 A layman's crash course on cryptocurrencies and blockchain Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin can be daunting to understand if you are just exploring it. Fear not, I'll break it down to the very core of the concept of norma… 7 3 0 Finance
ragu · 18 Sep 2020 Quick startup validation - a crash course for entreprenuers Idea validation is a critical process when you are starting a company. Based on my experience and what I learn, I have put together this course for all entrepr… 7 6 4 Business
superlyre · 1 Oct 2020 Crash course on steam engines and turbines Steam engines and turbines are the marvels of the human industrial revolution. This crash course aims to simplify the concepts of the steam engine, turbines, a… 5 3 0 Engineering
Santhosh · 20 Aug 2020 Introduction to Microeconomics Economics is a social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics focuses on the behaviour and interact… 4 7 0 Economics
karthik · 10 Sep 2020 Software architecture - a crash course If you take a software, the whole system is comprised of several components that are interlinked at different levels, all satisfying the requirements of the bu… 4 8 0 Technology
karthik · 21 Aug 2020 Descriptive statistics with Python This is a port of my statistics crash course, a very basic one, from Geekswipe. In this series of lessons, you will learn the basic concepts of descriptive sta… 3 4 0 Statistics
karthik · 28 Aug 2020 A brief crash course on your brain You are a walking and talking machine that's just made up of electric impulses from a tiny meat inside your skull. This Mindspace crash course will help you un… 3 6 0 Biology
karthik · 17 Aug 2020 All about thermodynamics - A crash course What's energy? What's heat? How does it get transferred from one system to another? In this crash course, you'll find answers to all such questions by learning… 2 5 0 Engineering
karthik · 21 Aug 2020 Statistical data types Data is how we quantify and categorically define the world, its properties, qualities, and uncertainties around us. And lucky for us, our forerunners have defi… 2 3 0 Statistics
karthik · 1 Sep 2020 Crash course on tracking and online privacy You hear about tracking and how it threatens your online privacy all the time. For those who are still in the dark about the whole online tracking systems, thi… 2 4 0 Technology
karthik · 4 Sep 2020 The concept of pidgin and creole Ever heard of a Lingua franca? Gullah language? That's what creole and pidgins are. They are a bridge language evolved among a civilization for various reasons… 2 2 0 Culture
karthik · 10 Aug 2020 Crash course on Arclind Mindspace Welcome to Arclind Mindspace. This is a meta crash course on the platform that’ll help you understand the intent of the project, guidelines to use Mindspace, a… 1 3 0 General
Springs · 1 Aug 2022 Freud's Theory of Personality The Austrian physicist Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis and 'the talking cure'. As a pioneer of psychodynamic personality theory, Freud believes t… 1 4 0 Psychology
Springs · 13 Aug 2022 Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology Jean Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology is a constructivist developmental theory of knowledge. Piaget conducted empirical studies on children to understand the infl… 1 5 0 Philosophy